A while back I reviewed a book by John Greene,HERE, "looking for Alaska", I really enjoyed the book so I went on to read several from the same author.
One of the books that moved me to tears was "The fault in Our Stars", and I am not easily moved to tears (or am I ? ) so it was really something.
I don't know if its just me with the very visual mind, but that book and its characters came alive in my head and I totally loved it.
Fast forward 7 months, the book has been made into a MOVIE !!!, I'm am so excited, although I haven't yet seen it, I imagine it will be awesome and deeply emotional, while it was showing, I was too deep in the storm that was examinations to go see it, but I watched the trailer over and over again and it was almost everything I had imagined while reading the book.
I really hope the director and producers didn't mess with the dialogue too much because that was what made the book so interesting and captivating in my opinion .
Have you guys seen it? Read the book?, tell me how it was, awesome or wishy washy. let me know what you guys think.
Been a while I did a proper book review, one coming up very soon *wink wink*
Live in love and smile, Jesus loves you